Thursday, April 29, 2010

Drill, Baby, Drill

Offshore drilling is now completely safe and environmentally friendly.

Why Sovereign Default In The Eurozone Will Be Bad For The United States

One effect of the possible sovereign default of Greece could be a major decline in the value of the Euro compared with the dollar. While this might please the dollar fearmongers of the world (it's fallinggggg!!!!!), it's actually a very bad thing. Yes European travel might be more affordable, but it will do major damage to our attempts to raise exports because the Eurozone is our biggest trading partner.

I would like to echo Matt Yglesias in placing the blame for the possible collapse of the Eurozone on tight-ass, inflation-phobic German bankers. He also does a good job of showing the idea that Greece, Spain, and Portugal are paying for past sins is bullshit. They're in this position because of German deflationary bias.