The whole outcry against the Olympics being held in Chicago in 2016 had me a bit confused when I read about it earlier this week. I thought, why would anyone NOT want the Olympics in the USA? Sure, if selected, the games will be held in President Obama's hometown of Chicago, but so what? They will be here, in the USA. Awesome, right? Apparently not.
The latest polls show 47% of Chicago residents don't want the Olympics coming to their city. Again I asked myself, why? So, I did some research to find out.
To begin with, I am a huge fan of the Olympics. This is surprising I know, being that I'm all conservative, which means, for you knee-jerkers out there, I hate dirty foreigners and I'm far from enlightened in any respect, plus I just want to hate on anyone whose different, EXspecially gross HOMO-sexuals; God, I just want to hit all those people in the face till they die...with my BIBLE!!! ...what the F-ever, you petulant old man.
But, fear not, I rant with a purpose:
This particular attitude is the attitude some are ascribing to those protesting the Olympics, claiming the protesters are fanatical right-wingers who don't want foreigners in their country. (Unfortunately, while surfing I've lost my link to the site, but I promise its out there, you'll just have to take my word on it.) But, this didn't satisfy me as the actual reason, especially because
Chicago is in the North, they're Yankees. Obama's their guy! Surely, lazy redneck teabaggers didn't pull their fatasses from their lazy-boy's and trek up North again to protest? What, with the Bill Engval marathon on TBS all this week??? [Note: The Bill Engval show sucks.] So how could this be, I thought, only Southern Rednecks hated the blacks and were all racists and it's the vile hatemonger of the religious right that's ruining A'merica. Racist bigots calling Obama Hitler, what vile, hatemongers....oops, sorry...wrong picture.
Anyway, as I continued my search, I found out that much of the rancor is about what most things are about: Money.
Apparently, the federal government is prohibited from funding the Olympic games. This means the city of Chicago will have to step up to do the job. I don't know how Illinois, as a state, would/could contribute. Either way, many Chicago residents are scared that they will end up paying for the games.
Despite the availability of private and commercial funding, and guaranteed tourism and influx of cash, the people still don't want the games. I don't know how much the Olympics cost, but that other vying nations are willing to help fund the games leads me to believe commercial funding alone is not enough. The people of Chicago seem to harbor such distrust for their local political system, that they believe any benefit brought to the city will be eaten up by those in charge, thus footing the regular folks with the bill. Simply amazing, in very bad way.
But, I'm not blind to the possibility that some people who disagree with Obama may hate to see him win at something, like helping to bring the Olympics to the States. Though I can see their reasoning, I personally think it would be a win for the county. I would argue they should put all the partisan bickering aside for now and just be happy we get the games here and don't have to watch on a 8 hour delay. Besides, Obama and the Democratic Congress are already fumbling around so much anyway with healthcare, the war on terror, etc...why add any more.
The Olympics should be non-partisan. I know it's historically steep in politics, but do we have to slap Republicans/Democrats on it, too?
In the end, if bringing the Olympics to Chicago will make an already troubled economy worse, rather than better, then lets skip it this time around and try again in 2020, instead of adding salt to an already terrible wound.

Anyway, as I continued my search, I found out that much of the rancor is about what most things are about: Money.
Apparently, the federal government is prohibited from funding the Olympic games. This means the city of Chicago will have to step up to do the job. I don't know how Illinois, as a state, would/could contribute. Either way, many Chicago residents are scared that they will end up paying for the games.
Despite the availability of private and commercial funding, and guaranteed tourism and influx of cash, the people still don't want the games. I don't know how much the Olympics cost, but that other vying nations are willing to help fund the games leads me to believe commercial funding alone is not enough. The people of Chicago seem to harbor such distrust for their local political system, that they believe any benefit brought to the city will be eaten up by those in charge, thus footing the regular folks with the bill. Simply amazing, in very bad way.
But, I'm not blind to the possibility that some people who disagree with Obama may hate to see him win at something, like helping to bring the Olympics to the States. Though I can see their reasoning, I personally think it would be a win for the county. I would argue they should put all the partisan bickering aside for now and just be happy we get the games here and don't have to watch on a 8 hour delay. Besides, Obama and the Democratic Congress are already fumbling around so much anyway with healthcare, the war on terror, etc...why add any more.
The Olympics should be non-partisan. I know it's historically steep in politics, but do we have to slap Republicans/Democrats on it, too?
In the end, if bringing the Olympics to Chicago will make an already troubled economy worse, rather than better, then lets skip it this time around and try again in 2020, instead of adding salt to an already terrible wound.
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