Monday, October 19, 2009

Lee Harvey Oswald

If living through the age of the "troofers" and the "birfers" has taught me anything, it's that people who believe in conspiracy theories are usually idiots. This realization, along with much research, has led me to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald shot John F. Kennedy all by himself. There was no plot by the CIA or the Cuban government or the mafia. Lee Harvey Oswald was a lonely person who wanted to get attention. He became a communist and went to the Soviet Union because it was just about the most unpopular thing you could do at the time in the U.S. If he were alive now he would go join al-Qaeda to get attention. Believe me, I've met these kinds of people.

Rather than make you read more links like always, just watch this video featuring Oswald's own brother:

Furthermore, what the video leaves out is that months before the Kennedy assassination Lee Harvey Oswald attempted to assassinate General Walker, a famous right-wing douchebag at the time. I have a hard time believing someone would make the leap into political assassinations, and then just give it up.

I understand why people gravitate toward conspiracy theories. When something catastrophic happens, one assumes that there must have been an elaborate web of causes to match the effects, but that's just not the case. One nut can get a clear shot at the president's head, and 19 nobodies can hijack airplanes with box-cutters.


  1. Incredibly interesting video - finding myself looking for the full thing.

  2. I agree. People get so caught up in grassy knolls and CIA black ops that they don't stop and learn about who Oswald was.

    I think this is the first part of the doc, and it goes on from there:
