Monday, November 23, 2009

Mayor White vs. Governor Goodhair

The current ruler of my urban hellhole, Bill White, has changed his mind and decided to run for governor of Texas instead of senator from Texas in a special election to replace Kay Bailey Hutchinson, current senator from Texas who is most likely resigning to challenge current governor of Texas, Rick Perry, in a primary. Got that?

This is a smart move on White's part, as I believe Rick Perry will probably be nominated again for governor, but in the process he has had to be a secessionist whack-job tenther. Also, the guy has been governor since 2001. I think we'd all like a, yes, change. Therefore, I think White will actually have a shot as a Democrat in a heavily Republican state due to the dislike of Perry and the fact that White is pretty moderate and his tenure as mayor is widely seen as a success.

As for the senate, a Democrat doesn't have a chance in hell of winning in Texas in the current political climate. It will be too easy for Republicans to tie anyone running to the national party, don't need more Democrats in congress, blah, blah blah...

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