Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The "t-word"

Nidal Malik Hasan is a terrorist. There, I said it.

When Timothy McVeigh blew up the building in Oklahoma, he was a terrorist. When the 9/11 highjackers flew the planes into the world trade towers, they were terrorists. However, in our current political climate, we aren’t allowed to call someone out for what they actually are.

Apparently, its is not enough to call someone a terrorist when they: scream "Allahu Akbar!" before murdering 13 and wounding 29 people while our nation is engaged in two wars in the Middle East, give presentations justifying suicide bombers and point out “we [Muslims] love death more than you [Non-Muslims] love life,” have ties to imams who endorse and encourage al Qaeda activities and jihad on Americans and consider you a hero for murdering Americans.

Why? Because Mr. Hasan also happens to be a Palestinian and a Muslim. Had this been someone who looked more like Timothy McVeigh or was a different faith, there would be no hesitation in calling him out as a domestic terrorist.

I understand avoiding unwarranted blow back, crowd control, etcetera, but when our government walks around on eggshells to such an n’th degree and tolerates extreme cultural relativism this is what happens. There’s being polite then there’s being suicidal, and we are choking ourselves with PC rubbish.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with approaching matters with caution and forethought, but there is a point where Political Correctness and accompanying spin becomes ridiculous.

First the word “terror” and all “offensive” Bush policy language is removed from anything to describe our foreign policy, activities that once were called “terrorism” are reclassified as something else, people make claims that the U.S.’s actions are akin to those same terrorist activities it is supposedly trying to suppress, the cowboy swagger is replaced by eloquent culturalism. And now people who are clearly terrorists aren’t to be called “terrorists.”

These are the policy decisions by the Obama administration that were supposed to curtail events like Fort Hood and assuage the Middle East. And now they’re trying to cover their collective backsides on the Fort Hood attack by utilizing the tool that was instrumental in causing the whole mess – extreme political correctness

But, we all know what happened at Fort Hood. We know what Mr. Hasan is. We are not as stupid as our government likes to think we are. We know when they’re giving us double talk.

They call it “post traumatic stress disorder” (though Mr. Hasan never went to war). They say he was a lone nut (though he has ties to imams and was proselytizing on base). They hesitate to say it was religiously motivated (though he screamed "Allahu Akbar!"). They say the real issue is the military needing to do a better job addressing workplace stress like civilians workplaces (though the two are mutually exclusive).

There is one very important reason for all this: the occurrence of a terrorist attack under an Obama administration looks extremely bad given the policy shift it put in place.

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