Monday, October 19, 2009

Dubious Double Standards

I have no idea if this story is making any waves whatsoever, because I don't have cable , but I'm not seeing much on the internet about it. To which, I'm not surprised.

Usually, when I come across this type of article I just shake my head at the blatant double standard applied to individuals who happen to be white - and God-forbid they're conservative, too (to which, some read, automatic racist).

Which leads me to my main point. Rush Limbaugh

After coming off a week of Rush Limbaugh being touted as a terrible racist for things he never actually said, the story from Baltimore got my ire up enough that I felt compelled to address it.

To those who know me personally, you already know I'm not the biggest Limbaugh fan. This is a fact, supported by reality. Unlike the "fact" that Limbaugh made racists statements regarding the usefulness of slavery and streets being safe at night.

The inconvenient truth, however, is the now tirelessly proven fact: Rush did not, in fact, say what was attributed him. But, this real fact was not enough to stop reporters from going ahead with the story anyway - as if it were fact, though actually not, that Limbaugh said the racist statements. Why? Because he's Rush Limbaugh, so we all know he's racist anyway, so what's the harm if this particular thing is actually false. The fact is, Rush Limbaugh is a racist. Right? He said that thing about black quarterbacks - that sounded pretty racist...pssst, make sure not to include the part where other black commentators agreed with him. Gotcha, no problem.

Now, on to my second point.

When a person who is black, like Elbridge James the gentleman in the story who is a chairman for the NAACP, says that he's worried that a white person may take the place of the current black Mayor of Baltimore once she is prosecuted for theft and purjury, the issue is not given the Limbaugh treatment, but rather is reported on as just another regular, rational statement.

It's no big deal he thinks race should be a, if not the, deciding factor in who should be appointed to fill the mayoral vacancy. To his credit, Mr. James is also concerned that the current Republican governor may instill a Republican mayor, as opposed to a Democratic mayor. But, this is a thin veil to hold up as a defense in claiming Mr. James' concerns are not seated in race, but rather in proper representation. Why? Because Mr. James is also worried that someone who is Irish may be appointed mayor. And what are the Irish predominantly? Catholic.

So, how can a person go around disparaging not just white folks, but the Irish heritage and Catholicism, like back in the day? Probably because no one really cares. It's only a story if the hate is going the other direction.

Now, is it true that a person who is black may better represent and work with a predominately black city? Possibly. I personally think that the person in charge should be the best person for the job, black, white, mexican, or irish - especially given Balitmore's renowned problems. We've all seen The Wire.

Do I think that Mr. James hates white people, Irish, people, and Catholics (I'll admit I'm the one throwing Catholics in the mix, but come on? What else could he have meant?)? I don't know. I've never met the guy. But, what I do know is that he doesn't want someone being the mayor if they are (1) White, (2) Irish, or (3) Conservative. These are facts.

How do people know Rush Limbaugh is a durrty racist? "Because he just has to be. That's why. He's a hate monger." Do you listen to his show? "...that's not the point. He's a racist." Do you have any proof? "Look, I just know he's a racist."

In the end, the Baltimore issue is really a nonissue, because the Governor doesn't appoint the Mayor in the first place when there is a vacancy like this. Despite being told this, Mr. James is demanding the matter looked into fully to make sure a cracker mick isn't made mayor.

I can say those things, they're my words, what being a cracker mick and all.


  1. It seems to me that all the negative vibes this blowhard (Rush Hudson Limbaugh A.KA. Jeff Christie) has been spewing over these many years has come back to blow back on his face (A classic “Blow Back”). He always tries to give off the airs that he can have anything he wants but as we all witness those with more money and more influence tossed him aside like sack of potatoes and the ultimate insult was that it was done in public (money don’t buy you everything butterball).

    Now of course he blames everyone else (Michael J. Fox, Perez Hilton, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Sonia Sotomayor, Hillary Clinton, Olympia Snowe, ESPN, NFL, the media, basically people of color, the handicapped, women and gays) when of course all you have to do is listen to his show and plainly hear his daily prejudices filled sermons. So NFL, I salute you decision, job well done. And to the whaling cry baby perched on his self made pedestal, quit your whining it was your own fault. He is reaping what he has sowed, KARMA, "palin and simple" like his followers. Don’t we all feel better?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow, I had no idea Micheal J. Fox, Perez Hilton, Hillary Clinton, Olympia Snowe, the entire ESPN organization, the entire NFL, and the entire media were all "basically people of color." But, I think you got all the basis - everyone who is not a straight, non-handicapped, white, male. You have good list making skills. Thank you for that Paul.

    Seriously though, you've inadvertently revealed yourself to be quite ignorant because you're too busy spewing your own contempt for Rush Limbaugh and anyone else who you see fit to deem as simpletons for not agreeing with you (you are clever with your Palin remark - much love for your cleverness. Did you make it up all by yourself?). There was no decision on the part of the NFL at all in this process. They did absolutely nothing official here. Limbaugh was dropped after Dave Checketts, another member of the consortium was essentially force to drop him due to the undue pressure being placed on him by a few within the NFL players union, Sharpton, Jackson, and the media (using false data - proven false, which apparently doesn't matter).

    And your comment basically proves my point. It's not about whether the media is continuing to spread news through actual facts, it's about sticking it to Limbaugh (or whoever else, but I'm sure they won't have a D next to their name) and ignoring the fact that they are spreading falsehoods as if they were indeed fact.

    And, stop me if I'm wrong here Paul, but I would put money down that you, yourself, find no issue with that - using made up facts to achieve a goal. That it's alright to attack someone using proven false information simply because of who they are. I can understand a broad defense of a position or ideology, but you've seemed to put yourself into this personally, showing no misgivings for blatantly false reporting.

    And, from the tone in your comment, I would, again, put money down that you don't actually listen to Limbaugh. But, that's okay. I don't listen to Air America or whatever it is. But here again, it's not about facts, its about what you hear or read - on the internet. (did you Wikipedia his full name?)

    Further, I want to congratulate you for being the first blowhard (aka classic ridiculously off topic commenter - because it's not about Rush, it's about how the media chooses to approach stories, figured I'd point it out to you) to leave a mean and spiteful comment on the The Daily Ire. And we've only been around a month!

    One last thing, you don't seem to disagree with Mr. James and his fear mongering about a white irish lad (or lass) being made governor - simply because they are white and irish.

    Your silence speaks volumes. As does the volume of typical commenter banter regarding a man you've likely never actually sat and listened to.

    You know, I hadn't meant for this to be a Limbaugh defense piece. And sorry for inadvertently deleting this comment - glad I had it pasted elsewhere.
