Thursday, November 19, 2009

Obligatory Palin Post

I've been avoiding most political blogs and political shows on the teevee this week because they're all talking about the same thing, Sarah Palin's book.

I will confess I watched the Oprah interview. I tried to watch with an open mind but nothing she said made me like her or agree with her or feel sorry for her. Aside from the fact that we don't agree on any of the pressing issues of the day, she strikes me as remarkably unaware of her own shortcomings, but whatev. She can do her thing and sell eleventy-million books and be on the cover of every magazine. I feel about her much in the same why I feel about Paris Hilton, except I'd probably rather have Paris Hilton be President of the United States.

Alas! Maybe I'm just not meant to get Sarah Palin. She seems to be popular solely based on the belief that she is a victim and that every misfortune that has befallen her is everybody's fault but her own. How is she a strong voice for conservative values of hard work and personal responsibility when all she does is whine, whine, whine...and quit her job halfway through her first term?

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