Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Battle of the Networks

I don't care about the cable news networks, i.e. MSNBC, Fox, CNN, or Headline. Hell, I don't even watch them due to my lack of cable. When I do watch the news, I watch the BBC on PBS in the evenings because it's one of the few clear channels I can get, and I'm definitely not watching Katie Couric - she scares me.

So this story about CNN coming in last place is fairly innocuous, but the reason I feel compelled to discuss it is that I love how CNN is being portrayed as the hard news network, not a bias or opinion network like Fox or MSNBC, two networks I am neither defending nor deriding here.

However, there are times when I see cable news, at the gym for instance when I run on the treadmill. It was during one of these runs that the 9/12 hullabaloo was gong on and Anderson Cooper quietly smiled and call the the attendees, ahem, "teabaggers."

As if he didn't know what he was saying.

Like I said, I don't really watch the stuff, I get my news from the internet,PBS, and the radio. But, reporting on how CNN is strictly a straight shooting network seems a bit skewed to me.

1 comment:

  1. In Anderson's defense that was back in April when some of them were calling themselves teabaggers and were talking about "teabagging the white house," presumably before they were made aware of the word's other meanings. All the times I've seen AC360 it's been a pretty straight...ahem...newscast.

    Plus it is REALLY FUN to call people teabaggers.
