Friday, September 18, 2009

David Brooks went to a everything's ok.

Don't worry everybody, the teabaggers aren't racists because David Brooks says so. You see, he stumbled upon a BBQ where teabaggers were intermingling with black folk, and they didn't break their whips out and beat them mercilessly. You see, this is just the latest iteration of populous rage that finds it's way back to Andrew Jackson!

You see, this:

is Jacksonian democracy. All of these people are just expressing their rage at "government spending" and "deficits." Nevermind that those two things trace their modern roots back to George W. Bush, who inherited a surplus. They're just so mad at these deficits! Isn't that obvious from the signs!

David Brooks is an idiot.

EDIT: Apparently, Jim Sleeper at the Washington Post feels similarly. My argument to him would be along the same lines as the aforementioned. This paranoia of government spending was non-existant until January 20, 2009. Hmmm...what changed? Beats me?! The war in Iraq was the most pointless government program ever, yet it enjoys the widespread support of conservatives. Healthcare...not so much. It seems that everyone agrees that "something needs to be done..." but when you ask conservatives, they don't really know what that "something" is, but it is not, NOT, a government run public option! That's for DAMN sure!

1 comment:

  1. These people are ridiculous and give conservatives a bad name. Don't pull a jimmy carter and start painting us all like this. I would argue most conservatives don't correlate curious george to Obama and are truly angry at all the spending and governmental intervention. You make a valid point regarding all the spending that did away with that surplus that GW did. Well, that did suck. But, chalk it up to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Mind you, everyone in the gov't voted for it. Either way, you're right. But, let's not keep that going for God's sake! We definitely cannot afford to increase the deficit more! GW is out of office. Obama is in. To continue to bitch about GW is like people bitching about Clinton. It's done. Move on. Problem is Obama isn't much different. Patriot Act? Sections that are slated to expire are going to be renewed by his administration, among other things. Why? Because they're useful tools. Wall street isn't any different. They're still doing what they were doing before. Yeah Obama made that speech. Good for TV coverage, but hardly any effect on reality. Now governmental healthcare? WTF. The gov't can't even get Cash for Clunkers right. Obama cited medicare as support for gov't healthcare, then in a separate speach admitted it was going bankrupt? WTF? I trust my hands on my money, not the gov't. Not conservatives and not liberals. I agree with Pelosi and Carter, those people at the rallies are wrong, racist, and dumb. But that's about all I agree with them on. Pelosi is a joke. Charlie Rangel, CHAIRMAN of the ways and means committee, hides millions in income and assets then Pelosi does NOTHING. I'm glad that Duke Cunningham went down. But does anything happen to Rangel? Murtha? No. It's very interesting to see that Dems have control of the Presidency and the Congress yet nothing gets done. Let's recall when Dem's controlled the presidency and Republicans controlled the congress. Stuff got done under Clinton and Newt. I don't like seeing dems controlling everying, and don't like republicans controlling everying. In my short life that has happened twice now, and both times it was disastrous.
