Friday, September 18, 2009

In Defense of Kanye

There's been a lot written about the Taylor Swift-Kanye West incident, but I feel as though something important has gotten lost in the hubabaloo. That thing is how truly terrible Taylor Swift's music is. Have we, as a society, decided we're not going to provide sanctions for writing terrible, bland music?

Let's consider the song "Love Story." It is my belief that the basest, most stupid reaction one can have to a great work of art is to ask oneself "what would I have done in a similar situation?" This is a permissible reaction when watching a horror movie and saying "I wouldn't go through that door!" or when watching a romantic comedy and thinking "I wouldn't take him back!" However, I don't think this is an acceptable reaction to Shakespeare. Entertaining these kinds of thoughts shows that you haven't understood a single thing. You have no appreciation for the writer's craft and a no appreciation for why Shakespeare chose to shape his play the way he did. You are so self-centered the only thought you can entertain is how you, southern white dumbass, would have behaved in a similar situation in Renaissance Italy.

This is exactly the type of reaction that "Love Story" glorifies. This is wrong. I am aware that Taylor (btw, Taylor is the stupidest first name dreamt up by man) is fairly young and she won her VMA for a different song, but that doesn't erase her sins.

Now let us consider Kanye. He has explored different avenues in his music, and embraced very unconventional influences for a conventional hip hop musician, such as synth-pop and indie music. Large though his ego may be, he has tried to be something more than a piece of crap musically. Taylor Swift, not so much.

To close, I don't mean to imply that Kanye has the right to interrupt people willy-nilly, but I do mean to imply that Taylor Swift is not worthy of our sympathy. Her success is a sign of the atrophy of the American music scene. Once upon a time we looked to politicians for decorum, and rock stars for obnoxious antics. Now apparently we are willing to tolerate teabaggers in congress, but can't abide a Kanye West sullying the dignity of the VMAs, if only to put a no-talent hack in her place before she wreaks further havoc upon the earth.

What Kanye did was rude, but the end of shutting Taylor Swift up was worth the means.

1 comment:

  1. I suppose I should first say congrats on joining the blogosphere, and that I, and I'm paraphrasing badly - purposefully, though - don't agree with you (shock), but I defend your right to say it, and may die for it, but check first as I may be busy that day. Either way, Taylor Swift is a sweet, innocent girl. It seems you are making the victim the transgressor. As if her "crime" makes her more of a criminal than the actual transgressor.

    Moving on, a quick and easy search of Wikipedia will tell you that Ms. Swift is not a Southern white dumb ass (why the need for race in the discussion to begin with is beyond me, but anyway.) She was born and raised in Pennsylvania. She's a yankee. This is important to remember because she is 19 years old, meaning, she's spend most of her life in the North.

    Secondly, Taylor Swift had no choice in her name. I would argue both her names are terrible. I agree with your non-support of the name "Taylor". I would argue further that the last name "Swift" is equally bad. To rub salt in the wound, her middle name is "Alison," and yes, it is spelled that way. Yet, even with these unfortunate maladies bestowed upon her from birth, she has managed to single handedly at 19 years old cement a from-the-ground-up studio in the market place, among other achievements.

    I cannot defend her cheapening, or rather, teenage-gurlifying of Shakespeare, and I don't personally like her music, though I doubt I'm her target audience. But to villify her is simply a product of your innate hate (fear?) of the vigina.

    As for Kanye. I like him. I like his music. But he's a douche. He would probably visit Union Bar.

    Then there's the teabagger comment. That phrase is a childish wink between liberals that hate it that it's no longer Cindy Sheehan scampering about and making news. It just seems that when it was people like Sheehan, or whoever, it was just, but so-called "teabaggers" are marginalized. Don't get me wrong, I see who these individuals are and the word "Nascar" comes to mind, but really? Do we need to refer to them as nutsacks on our proverbial national face? If so, the crazy left wing nuts should be now called "cameltoes, embarassing clefts in our collective vaginas making us all feel uncomfortable and most likely found on the less attractive types who won't admit they are ugly and should buy bigger pants.

    In the end, I have only one question for Taylor Swift. Where's the birth certificate?
