Friday, September 18, 2009

Saint Carrie of Orange County

The only person I dislike more than Perez Hilton is Carrie Prejean. I don't fault Prejean for saying what she believed. She was asked a question and tried to delicately state her belief in "opposite marriage" without offending people. She got the question wrong but maybe that's why the founders decided we'd be ruled by elected representatives and not beauty queens.

That being said, I think it's about time for her to step down off her cross. At the "Values" Voters summit today she said "God has a bigger crown for me in heaven." I have two issues with this:

1. I'm not an expert on Christian theology, but do you get a crown when you go to heaven? Does the Bible say it's a particularly big crown? How do we know it's bigger than a tiara?

2. Carrie Prejean needs to realize she's not Joan of Arc. She didn't face any kind of hardship for what she said. You can say she would have won the pageant had she answered differently, but that's speculation. Some people said some mean things about her on the teevee and the intertoobs, but she was also invited on every right wing television and radio show imaginable. She was stripped of her Miss California title, but that was only because she insisted on dragging out the controversy and doing political events.

And let us not forget, the pageant paid for her boob job. I think things worked out just fine for her.

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